The Cat's-Paw 1934


A naive missionary brought up in China returns to America to seek a wife. Corrupt politicians enlist him to run for mayor as a dummy candidate with no chance of winning.

Tous les titres
  • US: The Cat's-Paw The Cat's-Paw
  • AT: Der Sündenbock Der Sündenbock
  • BR: O Testa de Ferro O Testa de Ferro
  • DK: Syndebukken Syndebukken
  • FI: Kissan käpälä Kissan käpälä
  • FR: Patte de chat Patte de chat
  • DE: Harold Lloyd, der Strohmann Harold Lloyd, der Strohmann
  • GR: Diktator gia mia mera Diktator gia mia mera
  • HU: Diktátor Diktátor
  • IT: Zampa di gatto Zampa di gatto
  • PT: Harold, Missionário Harold, Missionário
  • US: Кошачья лапа Кошачья лапа
  • ES: La garra del gato La garra del gato
  • SE: Syndabocken Syndabocken
  • TR: Kediayagi Kediayagi
  • US: The Cat's Paw The Cat's Paw
Date de sortie 07 Aug 1934
Lien IMDb
