朝鮮名探偵2 失われた島の秘密 2015

Action Adventure Comedy

Joseon's top detective Kim Min attempts to track down those responsible for circulating massive amounts of counterfeit silver bullion in Joseon. He also tries to find the missing sibling of a young girl.

Tous les titres
  • KR: Joseon Myungtamjung: Nobui Ddal Joseon Myungtamjung: Nobui Ddal
  • UY: Detective 2: El secreto de la isla perdida Detective 2: El secreto de la isla perdida
  • VN: Thám Tu K: Bí Mât Dao Hoang Thám Tu K: Bí Mât Dao Hoang
  • KR: Detective K: Secret of the Lost Island Detective K: Secret of the Lost Island
  • KR: Joseon Myungtamjung: Nobui Ddal Joseon Myungtamjung: Nobui Ddal
  • UY: Detective 2: El secreto de la isla perdida Detective 2: El secreto de la isla perdida
  • VN: Thám Tu K: Bí Mât Dao Hoang Thám Tu K: Bí Mât Dao Hoang
  • KR: Detective K: Secret of the Lost Island Detective K: Secret of the Lost Island
Date de sortie 11 Feb 2015
Lien IMDb
