Hai to gensô no Grimgar 2016

Animation Adventure Drama Fantasy

Haruhiro suddenly wakes up, with no memory but his name. There are a lot of people around, but noone seems to know anything. Haruhiro forms a party of some of the people and start exploring.

Tous les titres
  • 灰と幻想のグリムガル
  • Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash
  • RU: Гримгал пепла и иллюзий Гримгал пепла и иллюзий
  • ES: Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash
  • UA: Грiмгар iз iлюзiй та попелу Грiмгар iз iлюзiй та попелу
Date de sortie 10 Jan 2016
Lien IMDb
